Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A little more clarity ...

Regarding the question posed at the end of my last post: Probably the main difference will be that the main blog focuses on problems other people bring up, and mirrors my Yahoo answers content, while on this one, the problems I solve will be of my own choosing. I might also write about posts on other Blogger journals of relevance to the teaching of Mathematics.

I'm still setting up a few companion accounts which will allow me to comment on some of the more common blog hosts. I will caution some of you, though, that I have little patience with Postmodernism or self-esteem based education. I do insist on rigor, and that does mean that the proofs are going to run longer than the hand waving soundbites favored by those who live to get great student evaluations. Mathematics is hard work. Anybody who tries to tell you otherwise is lying.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Let's not overanalyze this one

I find homework problems. I solve them. You read the solutions, and those solutions help you solve similar problems, helping you earn higher grades.

That's all this blog really is. It's an offshoot of a homework and answer journal I have elsewhere. I still have to work out what that means. We'll find out.